Vegetable Plant Starts
Our plants are started from (mostly) certified organic seed in our solar greenhouse and hardened off in our demonstration garden in midtown Bend in order to get acclimated to fluctuating outdoor temperatures and wind.
We choose short season varieties that should mature in fewer than 100 days and we only use organic soil mixes and amendments.
We plan to have plant starts available mid-April - October for your greenhouse and outdoor garden needs!
Place orders in our online shop and enjoy curbside pick up of your plants at your convenience from our demonstration garden in midtown-Bend. Delivery can also be arranged directly to your garden!
We also have some in-person plant sales scheduled!
Find our starts this season at Stumpmunk Farms Flora Deschutes, Greenleaf Garden Center, Newport Market and Wild Petals Bend!
Would you like priority on our plant starts? When you commit to at least 3 seasonal garden lessons with us, you can opt for the convenience of having us bring your plants, seeds, plant labels and organic fertilizer to you. We will plant alongside you to help you bring your crop plan to life!
Bonus perk: if your first round of plant starts that we plant together end up facing some struggles, we are happy to provide you with replacement plants!